Modular SKID

In Dommartin, near Lyon


Modular SKID


A skid is a modular equipment made of a base plate which supports piping set and equipments such as pumps, reactors, heat exchangers, filters, instrumentations, Valves.


It features a second main characteristic which is the split between the onsite works and workshop works. It is one of the main advantage of a SKID : most of the works and assembly are performed remotely from customer plant.


The final usage is diverse : pumping, filtering, cooling , thermal exchanges, pressure, flow, temperature control, fuelling...

DG SKID is located in the west of Lyon, in the Rhône-Alpes region, a region particularly rich in industries.
Many industrial groups and potential customers of DG SKID are located in the surrounding municipalities (London, New York City, Sydney, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Brisbane, Montreal, Philadelphia, San Antonio, Glasgow, Vancouver, Boston, Dublin, Manchester...).